6/9/2014 0 Comments Parson H., Boston, MAYes, yes and yes!
You want it good-Ranju is excellent. I've only gone once, but already she understands my desire for thicker eyebrows without a lot of arch. Her demeanor is very calm and patient. I love the fact that she's an esthetician. I used to go to Gentle Eyebrow in Brookline. Ranju is real deal. For an extremely picky person like me who knows that eyebrows can make or break a face-Boston Threading. Yes! You want it fast-Yes! A place that is open 10a-7p every day (except Monday). A place where you can walk in where you don't necessarily need an appointment (and it's clean). A place where you can be out in like 15 minutes may have even been 10 minutes. And she does full face, too for people who are interested. Again, with Gentle Eyebrow, I have to make an appointment and maybe you can get in 3 weeks out and it will take no less than 20 minutes. Boston Threading- fast and accessible-yes! Finally, you want it cheap-Oh dear Lord, yes! Full face for $35.00. Again-$35.00! I think I paid almost that much just for eyebrow before. My mind is boggled over the fact that I now pay less than half of what I used to pay for the exact same service! It makes me want to give a larger tip, because I feel like it should cost more (not that I'm complaining, but I'll pay what it takes for quality and service). Eyebrow is $10.00 and I think lip might be $8.00. Yes, Ranju, I will come back and see you in 3 weeks. So you know how there are these sayings that you can't have all 3-good, fast, and cheap? This place defies those odds. I was torn between posting this and keeping it a secret. The greater good won because quite frankly I found out about her from this site and it would be selfish to want to keep her all to myself. More business means it may become less convenient for me to just walk-in, but it ensures they stay open and grow. Do yourself a favor and go to Boston Threading. If anything changes, I'll update, but for now I'm totally sold.
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April 2016
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Website by Suresh Wagle